January Challenge – Making Ratatouille
This month, I made ratatouille. Yes, I know it's not the season. No, I don't care. I've been vegetarian since I was about twelve but I've never made this meal - a miserable oversight I wanted to correct.
Winter Sources of Vitamin D
Without sunlight, our skin can't create its own vitamin D. Keep your skin and bones healthy over the winter by eating sources of vitamin D such as lettuce, dates, eggs and cottage cheese.
Best Halloween Movies to Watch on Amazon Prime Video
I decided to do an experiment using data from Amazon Video and Rotten Tomatoes to see if I could objectively work out the top ten horror films available this month on Amazon Prime Video.
Oranges, Honey and Echinacea Tea
Can we really save ourselves from catching a cold? Day one back teaching and I’m in a stuffy room full of snuffles, smothered coughs, and startled sneezes. And that’s just the teacher training day. I make a mental note to pick up some echinacea tea on my way home to ward off the inevitable cold I’m going to catch. But my head fills with new deadlines and specification changes and I forget. A week later I’m snuffling with the rest of them. I curse myself for not taking more care to avoid getting ill so early in the term, but would it really have made any difference if I’d bought…
10 Common Fixes for Fashion Emergencies
)ur relatively minor clothing mishaps can be awkward and cause us some embarrassment and anxiety. Luckily, there are some easy and accessible items you can use to deal with most common fashion emergencies.