Sleepy Daisy Heads
Do you ever find yourself wondering about something you must have known when you were a kid, but you’ve long since forgotten? I do all the time. One early rainy morning this week, I noticed the daisies had their petals up, like little umbrellas blown inside out. Only a couple of days before, they were fully open, as if the yellow centres were little mirrors of the sun and the petals were rays of light. I found myself wondering if they close up because it’s dark or because it’s raining. It feels like something I would have known when I was little. Luckily, Google’s there to plug those kind of…
New Story: The God of the Gastropods
My first drabble, ‘The God of the Gastropods’, has been published by Black Hare Press. You can check out this tiny new horror story here! And it’ll appear in this e-book anthology in January.
10 Movies to Watch in a Heatwave to Cool Down
Scientists think we may be able to experience 'temperature contagion'. Humans are really good at mirroring other humans, so if we see that someone else is cold, we may start to feel colder ourselves. With that in mind, I've compiled a list of ten movies to cool us down in this June heatwave.
Monthly Challenge – March to June: Online Teaching
At the beginning of the year, I decided to set myself small monthly challenges for my blog. This fell by the wayside as the UK went into lockdown due to COVID-19 and my teaching workload skyrocketed. But we’ve finally reached summer half-term ? so I thought I’d write about my experiences of teaching online during the pandemic. Hopefully, someone will find my reflections useful.
February Challenge – Puppy
I have a new puppy. He's a three month old border collie and his name is Kim (after my first dog who was a beagle/foxhound cross). But his name is also sometimes Walking Imp, Demon, or The Poo Machine.